Monday, February 1, 2010

I want to go to there

Hi Jon!

This week Jon Hamm hosted "Saturday Night Live" and proved something that I have been saying for a long time - "Saturday Night Live" can still be funny. It seems to all come down to the host these days.
The worst show this season, ironically, was hosted by January Jones, Hamm's co-star on "Mad Men," who proved she hadn't spent one second thinking about the gig since she said she'd host.
The best, like Hamm and Joseph Gordon Levitt, who used his monologue to perform an homage to the classic song "Make 'Em Laugh" from "Singin' in the Rain." Levitt indicated he started working on the bit as soon as he got the hosting job.
I could show you so many bits - and I suggest you look up the digital short "Sergio" and the sketch "New Senator." I will leave you with this, my personal favorite, featuring Hamm and musical guest Michael Buble as restaurateurs.